Personal Branding - Your most important campaign.
"Personal branding is the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of who you are, and to position yourself as an authority in your own industry."
It is all about you, so it is your responsibility.
Take two minutes to think about who you are and what you stand for. - What are the best words to describe yourself? - Passionate, driven, honest, a facilitator, an excellent communicator, a people person, a finisher, attention to detail, a motivator... The list goes on. - You decide.
What are you good at?
What do you want to be known as?
These are the questions that you need to ask yourself to highlight the touchpoints that you want your peers, customers and industry to know about you. The answers are what you can use to highlight your 'personal brand'.
Does your brand change between work and at home? - I'd argue not really. You are who you are, and your individual character traits will generally shine through, however you may of course remain better focused in a working environment.
Can you rebrand yourself? - Does a leopard change its spots? - I'd refer to it more as a progression. The person you are at 20 will be somewhat different to the person at 50. Life's experiences will influence you, and determine how you conduct yourself and how you respond to different situations.
Why do you enjoy what you do? What motivates you? - These are also both important questions too, so you better understand who you are and how you portray yourself.
And finally, when you want to advertise your brand to the outside world, how do you go about that? - Certainly this is something to consider when you meet new people and introduce yourself face to face, but aside from that there is the written word too. When you write an email or business article, use words that are genuine and real to you.
And when it comes to Social Media - how important is that? - In today's modern environment everyone is almost expected to have a social profile, and definitely by using a blend of different channels it is an easy 'megaphone' to reach a wider audience, but be careful - what you say and post online is there forever, so don't be too spontaneous, flippant and silly!